About LSTA: A Lifetime of Experience as Tennis Trainer & Coach
The LSTA approach has been built on adaptability, creativity, and resourcefulness. Unlike most tennis academies in northern climates, we do not work out of an indoor tennis facility. We work outdoors in all kinds of weather, as well as indoors at an all sports club on a variety of non-traditional surfaces using a portable net.
We are PROCESS oriented. Taking on any student that wishes to be the best they can be is a process that can take some time, whether the aim is to be a world-class player or just the top gun on the block. If done with the right building blocks layered in the proper sequence over time, the likelihood of that student reaching their optimum tennis potential is maximized.
Based on that process and philosophy, our approach to our tennis classes is comprised of four steps:
- First, build strokes that are bio-mechanically sound, and do it in a K.I.S.S. (keep it simple students) framework, with a good amount of humor and fun!! We rely heavily on modeling, imagery, and imitation so that players can "see" and feel what they need to do to produce strokes.
- Build consistency in those strokes
- Work on placement using those strokes
- Finally add spin variety and power.

Lyle Schaefer
Lyle Schaefer (pictured on the left) is a hands-on tennis coach and teacher. He brings over 50 years of experience in the tennis business to the Lyle Schaefer Tennis Academy (LSTA). As a player he has earned rankings in the top 3 in the Wisconsin and the Mid-west men's divisions and nationally #2 in the men's 35 division doubles and #14 in the men's 35 division singles.
Lyle's tennis coaching and teaching credentials include:
- Tennis Coach with Peter Burwash International in Toronto, Canada
- Assistant Director of Rancho Bernardo Tennis College in San Diego, California
- Tennis Lecturer at Golden Door Health Spa in Escondido, California
- Tennis Director/Head Pro at Cherokee Golf and Tennis in Madison, WI
- Men's Tennis Coach at the Madison Area Technical College in Madison, WI
- High School Tennis Coach at Middleton High School in Middleton, WI.
- 32 Years as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Kinesiology, P.E. Activity Program, at the U.W. Madison.
Kalla Schaefer
Kalla Schaefer (pictured to the right of Lyle above) has been teaching tennis for 12 years and enjoys working with players of all skill levels. Kalla was a two-time all American and was ranked in the top 10 nationally in doubles and the top 20 in singles in Division 3 college tennis. She believes in having a strong technical foundation and being able to utilize a large range of tactics in a player's game.
Kall's tennis coaching background includes:
- Has taught for the Middleton Recreation Department (MRD)
- Works with Junior team tennis during the winter.
- Currently coaches girls JV and boys Varsity at Middleton High School, home of the Cardinal's.
- She has been working with the LSTA full time since she graduated from UW-Whitewater.
Learn How to Play Tennis from a Couple of Pros!
Lyle, Kalla and the entire LSTA team is available to improve YOUR tennis game, or can help with a tennis team you may be responsible for. Contact or call them TODAY at 608-220-7533 to discuss how they can help improve your tennis skills and WIN/LOSS percentages!